More distance learning art!! Kendra Kosal took advantage of the nice weather and "jazzed up" her entryway. Chloe Lieblang did three wonderful paintings showing off her interest in exploring new art media. Great job both of you!
Jump on zoom for coffee with the Kerr's. We will be here til 9:30 am.
Click on the below to complete the verification survey for your students. This is how we are documenting that our students are participating so please take the time:
The first submission to Mr. Sell showing some Distant Learning Art! Great job Sawyer and Harper!
Good evening! due to higher than usual demand this morning, there are limited meals available this evening for pickup. However, we will remain open from 5-7. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Good morning, a couple of reminders about today Chromebook pickup (Thursday April 16th). Pick-up will be available from 10-12 this morning and 5-7 this evening, same as lunch pick up. If you are coming to pick up a Chromebook please pull into the circle drive in front of the elementary. When you pull up I (Mr. Engler) or another staff member will bring out a form that must be signed to by a PARENT. After reading over the agreement and signing we will bring out a Chromebook and charger to you. If you are unable to pick up the Chromebook during one of these two times please email Mr. Engler with contact information so we can arrange a different pick up time (
Good Morning,
Just a reminder to reach out if you have any questions. Also, please let me know if a link isn't working or students are struggling with work. Keep smiling!!
We apologize for any inconvenience, but all meals prepared for today have been picked up. We are closed for the evening and will be available again Thursday from 10am-12pm and 5-7pm.
One of my students mentioned whipped coffee during our Zoom meeting today. This was my first attempt, and it needs some work, but I'm excited to perfect it!
If your son or daughter is planning on attending the career center in the fall please have them check their school email for a message from me. Please have them fill it out and submit the form as I will be working on those soon. Thank you and have a great day!
Food and packet pickup today, 10-noon and 5-7 pm, chromebooks will be distributed on Thursday.
Chapter 3 of Shadow of the Shark is posted on our Facebook group page. Enjoy!
To all high schoolers who were just kicked out of our Zoom meeting: sorry! We hit the 40-minute limit and without a warning, it shut down. I had a great time chatting with all of you. Tomorrow at 1:00 pm we will have another meeting for ELA/S. Studies help.
Please complete this survey so we know if you need devices or paper copies to access your child's distance learning plan. You may pickup Thurs. 10am-12pm and 5-7pm.
There will not be a fish fry this week. Have a great holiday weekend.
PCS families: Over the course of the next two days staff members will be calling each family to ask questions regarding your access to digital learning. Many of these calls will display as "NO CALLER ID". Please answer and spend a minute talking to our teachers.Thank you!
PCS families: Food pickup today, 10-noon and 5-7pm in circle drive.
Hot off the press! The varsity girls basketball team has earned the honors of academic all state! Their accumulative grade point average has them ranked 4th in the state for Division 4. Congratulations to all the girls on the team! The staff and community are proud of each and every one of you.
PCS Families: At this time, in order to protect our staff, volunteers, and families our food service program will switch to pickup ONLY for the remainder of the "Stay-at-Home" order. Pickups will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-noon and 5-7 pm. If your family absolutely cannot manage this, please call 810.378-5200 and we will attempt to make arrangements that work for you.
Gov. Whitmer has just released an executive order closing school buildings for the remainder of the school year. PCS will release a distance learning strategy to the public as soon as it is ready to be published. As of now, we are planning to begin on Monday, April 13th.